Bashed Writeup

1 minute read

Another very easy box where half the work is done for you!…


The usual Autorecon run just turned up a webserver running on Port 80. Having a look at this in Firefox showed that it seemed to be a site about a PHPBash application that the site owner had developed on this very server!

Nikto had highlighted a /dev directory existed and going there gave us access to a webshell.


Running the PHPBash shell we could quickly grab the user flag:


We couldn’t grab the root flag though as the shell was running as the www-data user which didn’t have access.

Privilege Escalation

Running sudo -l I could see that the www-data user could run any command as the scriptmanager user.

Looking around the filesystem I could see a directory /scripts owned by scriptmanager. Using sudo -u scriptmanager ls -al /scripts I could see the directory contained a python script, which just created a file called test.txt. However, the test.txt file was owned by root, suggested a cronjob was running as root that was calling the Python script.

At this point I could have changed the Python script just to get me the contents of /root/root.txt but it seemed more fun to get a full shell.

I created a local python file containing the reverse shell from Pentestmonkey and ran the Python SimpleHTTPServer on my Kali box so I could pull it across to the target using wget. I started a listener on my Kali box with nc -lvp 1234 and copied the shell script across from the temporary directory I’d stored it in to /scripts/ and waited a short while.

As expected, the script was executed by the root cronjob and I had a root shell and I quickly grabbed the root flag cc4f0afe3a1026d402ba10329674a8e2